
23 February 2011

ENOUGH! Judaism Intro



Having never before read the Old Testament (OT) thoroughly,
I must say to finally do so has been most interesting and time
well spent. And here is a challenge to all Jewish Islamophobes:
I have now read your book with an open mind -
now will you please read mine.

The first 5 books of the OT, here referred to throughout as the
OT5, are known variously as: the Pentateuch (Greek: the five
volumes), the Five Books of Moses, the Torah (=Tawrat to
Muslims), the Law, the Law of Moses, the Teachings, the
Instructions, and they incorporate what we all know as the Ten
Commandments, though Jewish scholars count a total of 613
specific rules or commandments, made up of 365 proscriptions
and 248 prescriptions.

Moses is generally believed to have lived around 1350 BCE
(1393-1273 BCE according to the Talmud) and most secular
scholars seem to agree that the various books of the OT we read
today were assembled and edited collectively for the first time
after the exile in Babylon (586-538 BCE), probably between 500
and 300 BCE, but possibly even as late as 200 BCE, so roughly
speaking 1000 years after Moses, but note that the authoritative
standard version used today, the Masoretic Text, dates from
around 1000 CE, or about 2300 years after Moses - a massive
span of time and generations, during which more or less anything
could have happened to the contents. For the purposes of this
study the precise century of composition is not critical.

We realise that the OT of the Christian Bible (Greek: biblia
=books), 39 books in total, is not exactly the same as the Jewish
Bible, that being the Tanakh, consisting of 24 books in 3 sections:
the Torah (the first 5 books of the OT, traditionally attributed to
Moshe-Moses-Musa), the Prophets (8 books) and the Writings
(11 books), but it is the closest that someone not fluent in
Hebrew can get to the original and therefore the best we have
to work with for this study.

Also, the vast majority of readers invariably approach both the
Jewish and the Christian scriptures in "translation", in quotes here
because a better term would be re-telling or interpretation, due to
the fact that a completely literal translation in terms of meaning
is impossible.
Usually when we read the Quran in other than the original Arabic,
that version will state clearly on the cover not the expected
"translation" but, if in English, "interpretation of the meanings of
The Noble Quran in the English language", a much more accurate
and honest, and less misleading, way to prepare the reader, with
the clearly implied message: if you want the real thing, learn the
original language.

As a Muslim I respect and revere without exception all the
prophets of the Jewish Tanakh, the Christian Bible and the Muslim
Quran, and it would be SO nice if Jews and Christians did the
same, but as regards the Moses of the OT5 we are faced with
a dilemma:

He is regarded by the Jews themselves as by far the greatest
prophet not only of Judaism but of all prophets ever, but it is
difficult to see him as much more than a tribal lawgiver and
military leader for that is about all he does in the OT5.
However much we would like to agree with the general
consensus, we find little or no basis for such claims in the first
place we ought to look: the OT5.

Also, and no offence is meant, we should all be grateful and
relieved that Moses is not our father. Always the ultra-
disciplinarian, it is difficult to imagine a harsher and more
merciless person than this, the ultimate control-freak.

Hopefully, the real Moses was very different and I am always
prepared to give the person Muslims call Musa the benefit of the

Interestingly, there are a great number of references to Moses-
Musa in the Quran (150+) and they are universally respectful.
In contrast, Muhammad (pbuh) is only specifically mentioned a
few times.

The comments in this study refer only to the literal text of the
OT5 and do not attempt to guess about the "real" Moses, a task
which would be as impossible as it would be futile.
So, for the avoidance of doubt: any mention of Moses here,
unless otherwise stated, therefore means "the Moses of the OT5".

Reading the OT5 it soon becomes clear that the God of Moses and
Israel, Yahweh, as described, is largely an anthropomorphic being
and therefore cannot possibly have anything to do with, or in any
way be related to, or the same as, the universal Creator-God of
Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them) and surely this is
already conclusive proof, supporting Islamic claims, that the OT
we read today has been corrupted, maybe beyond recognition,
probably due to the text having been collected-compiled-
assembled-redacted-edited-transcribed-translated so many times
and in so many ways and by so many scribes before it finally
found its current form.

By far the most striking fact of the OT5 is something which is
conspicuous by its total absence: there is absolutely no mention
of spirituality or the hereafter, nothing about whether immortality
is achievable or even desirable, about everlasting life or salvation.
You may need to read that again. It is not that we missed it or
deliberately overlooked it, it simply is not there.
And as the OT5 forms the basis and the bulk of Judaic law,
we may categorically say and conclude that Judaism does not
concern itself at all with the hereafter but only with the here
and now.
Does that explain why Jews generally are obsessed with worldly
matters such as accumulating wealth?
Along the lines of idiotic T-shirt slogans such as:
"The one who dies with most toys wins!" and
"Life is not a rehearsal - THIS IS IT!".

If there is any spirituality to be found in the OT5 it must be so
well hidden and coded that it entirely eluded the inquisitive eye.
A most strange religion, if indeed such a system can be called a
religion at all.

And yet, when we read Judaism's 13 Principles of Faith, see
Appendix J1, we find that the first 5 have a striking resemblance
to the underlying and overarching characteristics of the deity of
both Christianity and in particular Islam.
Those Principles were formulated by Moses Maimonides (1137-
1204), the great Jewish philosopher from the Cordoba Caliphate
in Muslim Spain. At first controversial, then more or less ignored
for centuries, they later became the unofficial credo of Judaism,
and today most orthodox authorities hold these beliefs obligatory,
meaning that Jews who do not fully accept them all are
considered heretics.
However, this study establishes beyond doubt that the qualities
described in Principles 1-5 are no part of the deity of the OT5,
Yahweh, who is obviously the Israelites' equivalent of Moloch.
Interestingly, Principles 7-8-9 are about Moses and the Torah, and
express eternal unshakable faith in the superiority of Moses and
the finality and perfection of the Torah, which this study
demonstrates is not only void of spirituality but incoherent and
unreliable, so exposing glaring conflicts and contradictions within
the very principles and fabric of the faith.
But that is not our problem.

We are also entitled to ask: if Judaism's basic beliefs were first
presented in an organised manner around 1100 CE, and only
taken seriously and incorporated a few centuries later, what
exactly did Jews believe during the more than 2500 years
between Moses the prophet and the time the 13 Principles of
Moses Maimonides were officially recognised?

Also, there is no universality, nothing about spreading the
message, and at least we understand why that is, for in truth
there is no message to spread: this is all for Jacob-Israel only-

It is therefore difficult, rather it is impossible, to escape the
reasonable conclusion that the 5 so-called Books of Moses, which
collectively read like a mixture of a fairytale and a horror story,
are a retrospective and desperate, so naturally self-serving and
flattering, attempt to provide a historical context and a (sort-of)
coherent background for a "people" and a "nation" previously
without both, hence also the obsession with being the chosen-
selected-superior ones and God's special people.

As for the God of Israel, he also seems to have been invented by
the Jews themselves, for themselves, in order to justify their
behaviour, then as now, in other words: the chosen people was
not only chosen by itself but it also chose (=invented) its God.
For telling Yahweh what to do, usually followed by his submissive
acquiescence, is typical of the Jews, there are apparently several
examples in rabbinic literature, where it is claimed that when the
Elders of Zion speak, Yahweh takes note. Says it all, does it not?
It is difficult to imagine a mindset more stupefyingly arrogant.
Is it not also obvious that such a deity must be a complete
fabrication of the human mind?
That the resulting book is vitally important to that group of people
is understandable, just like personally, being Scandinavian, I am
not only interested in but attached to and proud of my Viking
heritage and forefathers. The tragedy with the OT is that it has
been taken as the literal truth not only by the associated group
itself but, via Christianity, by so many around the world who have
no real connection with the book. Why should I be persuaded to
believe or follow anything in a book that is demonstrably NOT
written for me, and which specifically excludes me?
And contrary to common misconceptions, Christianity is NOT for
everyone but for the Jews only, as clearly and repeatedly stated
by Jesus himself, see THIS IS CHRISTIANITY for the evidence.
Therefore, in stark and obvious contrast to the scriptures of the
other 2 Abrahamic faiths, the Quran transmitted by Muhammad
(pbuh) is the only one of the 3 addressed to all of humanity and
its message is universal.
Al-hamdu-lillah! (=the praise belongs to God).

Now, anyone can write down such a harmless dream of wishful
thinking, and there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so, it is
only when someone starts to take it seriously it becomes
dangerous, and once you endow it with any kind of divinity it
becomes lethal and hyper-destructive as it indisputably has in this
particular case, to the deceit, detriment, destitution, destruction
and death of all it comes into contact with, as well as causing
little but misery for the chosen-selected-superior ones
themselves, and not only in the past.

This is still the case today although Judaism on its own is almost
invisible and powerless, representing an insignificant and
shrinking 0.2% of humanity (c 13 million out of c 6800 million),
whereas Muslims currently make up c 23% and rising fast,
meaning there are now approximately 120 Muslims for every Jew.
And, as we shall demonstrate, 9 out of 10 "Jews" are not Jewish.

But allied with Christianity and multi-national mega-business it
is a very different situation, so that Judaism, in its secular
manifestation Zionism, also known as the New World Order,
indisputably represents a clear and present danger to everybody
Surely only the deaf and blind can fail to notice that International
Zionism is doing its very best to achieve world domination, sadly
and tragically ably assisted by Christianity in all its various

The most obvious and terrifying example is American Evangelical
Christians, tens of millions of them and Zionists every one, and
judging by their deranged utterances they would be delighted,
indeed enraptured, if they could manage to translate their
Zionist-driven grotesquely disproportionate influence over US
foreign policy into somehow blowing up at least the Holy Land,
preferably the wider Middle East and ideally a whole lot more, as
it might trigger the second coming of the Messiah. HALLELUJAH!
Sheer insanity. And incredibly dangerous fundamentalism of
the most radical-fanatical-extremist kind.

Every Christian knows that their prophet Jesus was condemned
to death by the Jews, who were specifically asked if they wanted
him or someone else freed. They wanted Jesus dead.
Yet no Christian seems to have any animosity towards the Jews
because of that, at least not any more, today.
Not only very strange but incomprehensible.

Does its lack of spirituality explain why Judaism has plans to take
over the world and control all the goyim?
Many Islamophobes have condemned the treatment of dhimmah
(=non-Muslim subjects) in Islamic states over the centuries,
however, as this study demonstrates, it is clear from the Law of
Moses that you will always be better off a dhimmi than a goy.

Zionism is basically a secular ideology, and both in theory and
practice just as abhorrent as Nazism when viewed objectively.
Anyone examining the 2 ideologies side by side will soon conclude
that Zionism and Nazism are so similar as to be almost
indistinguishable from each other.
Oh yes, do your own research and come back to discuss.

The greatest of many embarrassments to the Zionists is probably
their close cooperation with the Nazis, encouraging and
facilitating the persecution of their fellow Jews in Europe in order
to increase the pressure for a "homeland" for the Jews in
Are there any reliable estimates of how many of the claimed 6
million Jews eradicated by Hitler's Germany died as a direct result
of Zionist collaboration? If no such estimates are available, we are
entitled not only to ask: "Why not?" but also to demand
international funding for the necessary transparent research to
give us all a credible answer.

Carrying out this study brought up another glaring contradiction:
As regards crime and punishment, Jews, however ultra-orthodox,
are no longer being faithful to their faith, assuming they ever
were, for they formally gave up strict adherence to the written
Torah around 2000 years ago, and if we can put a date on it, it
happened in 30 CE when the Elders of Zion effectively abolished
it. Now, 30 CE is of course just about the same year that we are
asked to believe that Jesus was executed to satisfy Jewish
demands. A most interesting concurrence which is addressed in

In the OT5 there are 36 offences, and as we shall see some of
them absolutely trivial and not worthy of being called offences,
for which the death sentence is prescribed. However, rather than
taking the text seriously, respectfully and literally, little fallible
humans, in the form of learned rabbis, imposed so many of their
own restrictions and conditions upon the supposedly divinely
revealed and eternally valid law of their mighty prophet Moses
that, in terms of the death penalty, it was virtually put beyond
practical use, though it was still claimed to have a real deterrent
effect. That is very difficult to see, for why should anyone be
afraid of a law that remains on the statute books but everybody
knows is never used?

So, whilst technically neither re-writing nor revoking the Law of
Moses, some of its most fundamental provisions were rendered
ineffectual by its very adherents and devout followers. They may
well have done it with the best of motives but it is indisputably a
massive case of innovation and deviation. How embarrassing for
Judaism. But that is not our problem.

However, judging by the comments and behaviour of the Jews
down the ages, it is painfully clear that, like all the other laws of
Judaism, unless specifically otherwise stated, the above only
applies among the Jews themselves, leaving them free and
kosher to persecute and eradicate anyone else they do not like.

It is very important to point out that there is nothing new in the
10 Commandments, nor in the Law of Moses as a whole. That
may come as a surprise to many but the collection is clearly
based on laws from earlier Mesopotamian cultures, which codified
their laws from at least c 2400 BCE, or about 1100 years before
Moses and the setting of the last 4 of the 5 books of the OT5, the
most famous being the Code of Hammurabi, 6th king of Babylon,
from c 1800 BCE and still surviving today carved in stone, where,
for example, among the 282 specific laws (66 > 99 are sadly
missing) we find the "eye for an eye" (law 196), the "bone for a
bone" (law 197) and the "tooth for a tooth" (law 200) that we all
know from the OT5, so neither Jews nor Christians can claim that,
hallelujah, at long last and for the very first time humanity had a
written framework regulating social behaviour and communal
responsibilities. It also proves that the scribes behind the OT had
detailed knowledge of the earlier laws.

What we also find in these much older collections of laws is the
custom of attaching blessings and curses when making solemn
vows or contracts, identical to the equivalent situations in the
OT5, where for example a patriarch hands over to a son to
become the new head of the family (Gen.27 Isaac to Jacob, and
Gen.49 Jacob-Israel to Joseph and the 11 others), or Moses, just
before dying, restating the Israelites' contract with Yahweh,
followed by blessing the tribes individually (Deut.33 + Deut.34).

Another striking and perhaps the most fundamental and revealing
similarity is this:
Hammurabi claims a divine calling as the inspiration, justification
and authority for his entire law-giving exercise, precisely like
Moses does hundreds of years and many generations later.
So not even the basic concept is new, and neither Jews nor
Christians can therefore seriously suggest that the OT5 is
"Copyright the God of Israel, YAHWEH, Original First Edition, All
Rights Reserved for Eternity". Nor ask us to believe that, if you
remember to bring it along, your very own copy will be signed
personally by Yahweh on Judgement Day.
Instead we must ask: is there anything new under the sun?

Collectively the above shows that, far from being a unique and
sudden revolutionary leap of progress which might seem
inexplicable unless we allow for divine intervention, the whole
process described in the OT5 fits seamlessly into the overall
cultural panorama of the region and the times.
Indeed, unless the whole story or individual chapters or just
single events or characters can be conclusively proven from other
sources, be it scriptural, historical, archaeological or other, the
most plausible explanation is to suggest that the OT5 was
probably constructed without great difficulties entirely from
existing sources plus imagination, and until we know better we
have no good reason to believe that any of it ever took place as

The OT5 is so long drawn-out, endlessly repeating laws, rules and
regulations, as well as the original promise to Abraham-Isaac-
Jacob - WHY? Tedious in the extreme and frequently really
annoying. Were they short of serious material? Did they think that
a bigger book or longer scrolls would be more impressive and
persuasive? It is probably again a function of the OT we read
today having been compiled from many different books.
The result is like a dish which should have been made with 100
percent meat but because of a shortage of meat it was made with
only 35 percent meat and 65 percent flour. To continue the
metaphor: it is very filling, not very tasty and frequently the
consumer is inclined to just leave it.

But there is another way to look at this: is the text we read only a
carrier medium for an underlying and different message entirely,
and did the text therefore have to be a certain minimum size or
length to accommodate that message, and were the useful and
informative parts therefore stretched and repeated in order to
achieve this?
Much has been written and said about The Bible Code and it is
beyond the scope of this study to pursue the subject, but it would
be foolish to rule anything out.

It is relevant here to point out that it was proven in the 1970s
that the Quran is constructed as a matrix which revolves around
the number 19, which is the sum of the numerical values of the 4
letters making up the Arabic word wahid (=one=monotheism)
(wau+alif+he+de = 6+1+8+4 = 19), just as the Arabic phrase
"bismillah ar rahmaani ar raheem", usually interpreted as: "in the
name of God, the compassionate, the merciful", which heads
every single surah (=chapter) of the Quran, except no 9, is made
up of 19 letters, and this fact is specifically referred to in the
Quran itself: "Over it are nineteen" (Quran.74:30).

Interested readers are invited to visit www.quranmiracles.com.

Although beyond the scope of this study to examine the following
problem in detail, on reading OT5 book 1, Genesis, it quickly
becomes quite obvious that the first few chapters contain many
impossible contradictions, particularly as regards timing.
We must therefore accept that the Genesis we read today is a
combination of at least two and probably more older source

And it can be proven that one of the most important and well-
known scenes of all is borrowed from existing works: the entire
flood story of Noah, in some aspects down to detail, is also found
in tablet 11 of the older Sumerian epic Gilgamesh from c 1300
BCE, and that flood story is in turn adapted from that of the even
older Atra-Hasis epic from c 1800 BCE.

This of course has ramifications for the entire OT and for that
matter also for the entire NT, for what is demonstrably the case
with Genesis may also apply to all the rest, whether immediately
obvious or not. The importance of this observation is that it
proves that the OT, or even the first 5 books of it collectively, did
not suddenly arrive as a coherent whole, did not drop out of the
sky into the eagerly waiting hand of Moses as a single revealed
work, nor was it laboriously written by Moses himself start to
finish, and unchanged from way back then until today.

As this study demonstrates, the OT5 we read today is full of
inconsistencies, contradictions and sheer impossibilities, in short,
it is an incoherent and unreliable text, and Islamic claims that
both the OT and the NT have been corrupted, maybe beyond
recognition of the original, are not only perfectly reasonable but
the logical conclusion we must draw. That is of course highly
embarrassing and most inconvenient for both Judaism and
Christianity, but that is not our problem, we have every right to
point this out, and when unfairly attacked we have every right to
defend ourselves.

Practical notes:

OT = Old Testament
OT5 = the 5 Books of Moses examined in this study

NT = New Testament
NT4 = the 4 Gospels examined in THIS IS CHRISTIANITY

The standard abbreviations are used for the OT5 books:
Gen = Genesis
Ex = Exodus
Lev = Leviticus
Num = Numbers
Deut = Deuteronomy

In this study all actual quotes, unless otherwise stated, are from
the Easy Read Version (ERV), and I herewith acknowledge my
debt to the organisation who did this modern translation, and
include below an excerpt from the general license agreement,
followed by their standard copyright notice, as requested:

May be quoted for any purpose, up to 1,000 verses, without
written permission. However, the extent of quotation must not
comprise a complete book nor should it amount to more than
50% of the work in which it is quoted. A copyright notice must
appear on the title or copyright page using this pattern:
© 2006 by World Bible Translation Center, Inc.
and used by permission.

An examination will show that this study complies with all of
the above. For the record, 990 verses are quoted.

Actual Bible quotes are in italics and any emphasis is added.
All comments are in plain text.

Although I personally dislike it, for convenience the American
spelling has been left unchanged in all quotes.

For comparison and control of some of the most important
verses, the King James Version (KJV) is also quoted.

And so to the action >

(next excerpt: Christianity Intro)

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