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After years of Islamophobia, here is the devastating counter-attack.
My first book - buy it, read it, digest it, USE IT!

==>> Press Release
< click cover to enlarge -
read 60+ pages of excerpts below
Title: ENOUGH! Islamophobia
International reference number: ISBN 978-1-4567-7190-4
Should you need the ISBN without hyphens/dashes: 9781456771904
Format: standard 6x9 inch/15x23 cms, paperback, black and white,
412 pages, text only, no illustrations, net weight 575 gms/1lb4oz.
All inquiries regarding publishing contracts and promotion
(interviews, personal appearances etc)
should be directed to
Several excerpts can either be selected below individually, or you can
scroll down and select label "ENOUGH" which will then present all
excerpts in one sequential stream, a total of more than 60 pages:
==>> Title Page, Copyright, Dedication, Sponsorship, Bookings
==>> Foreword
==>> Introduction
==>> Did You Know
==>> This is Judaism Intro
==>> This is Christianity Intro
==>> Examples of how the book works
==>> What qualifies me to write about this?
Your comments invited.
Please note that by commenting you agree that any comment posted
may be used, in full or in part, for promotional purposes in connection
with this book, future books, and my websites.