
20 February 2011

Example J1

All Arabs are not only Semitic but also Hebrew.

The Foreword makes the claim:

> that all Arabs are not only Semitic, which we knew already,
but also Hebrew, probably as difficult to comprehend and accept
for the reader as for the writer, but the evidence is clear so the
conclusion is inevitable and indisputable.

The Did You Know section lists the following verses:

- all Arabs are not only Semitic but also Hebrew?
> (Gen.10:21 + Gen.14:13)

And here is the proof:

Genesis 10
Shem’s Descendants
21 Shem was Japheth’s older brother. One of Shem’s
descendants was Eber, the father of all the Hebrew people.
[ERV note 10:21 - literally, To Shem was born the father of
Eber’s sons

And so we get to Shem - third time lucky, as they say. Did you
notice that in Gen.10:1 Noah's 3 sons were introduced in order of
birth, namely "Shem, Ham, and Japheth" but are then listed, with
their descendants, in reverse order. This is both interesting and
unusual and we would like to know why it was done that way.
Connecting "Eber" here with "Hebrew" is also interesting and
needs investigating, so here is the same verse from the KJV:

KJV.Gen.10:21 Unto Shem also, the father of all
the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder,
even to him were children born.

Nothing "Hebrew" here, so an explanation would be welcome.
After some research, the only link we can find is in the KJV, NT,
3rd Gospel, where Luke lists the family line of Jesus all the way
back to Adam (!), and the 4th generation after Shem is named
Heber and not Eber (NT.Lk.3:35), whereas in the ERV used here
his name is Eber. This is a very small and plausible difference, so
we accept the connection made in v.21 above. But it would be
nice to have further confirmation of this from other sources, as
we shall soon see how important this link is (Gen.14:13).

Genesis 14
13 One of the men who had escaped went to Abram the
and told him what happened.

Abram described as a Hebrew, so confirming both Gen.10:21 as
regards Eber-Heber and the family line in Gen.11.

The KJV says the same:

KJV.Gen.14:13 And there came one that had escaped,
and told Abram the Hebrew...

This is VERY important: Abram, soon to be renamed Abraham
(=Ibraheem), is of the line of Noah's oldest son Shem, from
where we get Shemitic > Semitic. As we shall soon see, Abraham
had Ishmael with Hajjar (Hagar), Sarah's Egyptian slave woman,
and later Isaac with his formal wife Sarah.
Ishmael and Isaac are regarded as the ancestors of all Arabs and
all Jews, respectively, they are therefore all Semitic people, which
is why the term anti-Semitic, when used to counter anti-Jewish or
more frequently anti-Zionist and anti-Israel feelings, is idiotic and
meaningless, rather, it is wildly misleading and inaccurate.
Speak clearly please.
We say "all Jews" above and, scripturally speaking, that is of
course true and the Jews themselves would agree with that.
But as we just established in Gen.10, more than 90 percent of
those classified as "Jews" today are NOT Jews at all because
they are NOT descendants of the Semitic Hebrew named

What also follows logically from the above might be difficult both
to comprehend and accept, for Jews, Christians, Muslims and
Arabs alike, so read this slowly: if Abram was a Hebrew then,
in a scriptural sense at least, all Arabs are also Hebrews...
That being the case, Arabs have an equal claim to any "Hebrew"
heritage, be it divine promises or lands or whatever.
So why are the Jews, the few real ones and the many impostors,
keeping it all for themselves?


Unless otherwise stated, all Bible quotes are
© 2006 by World Bible Translation Center, Inc.
and used by permission

Remaining Bible quotes are taken from
The Authorised King James Version (public domain)

Quran quotes are taken from
The Noble Quran © 1996 Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh, KSA


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